Trick or tweet?

Halloween came early this year for GPT-3 — the world’s most advanced artificial intelligence (AI) for generating human-like speech.

The AI was instructed to impersonate the writing style of Jerome K. Jerome, a dead author, while writing an essay about twitter.

GPT-3 demonstrated the type of ironic wit and banter characteristic of the craftiest humans on the Twitter social network, exploiting lesser known definitions of the word twitter itself. In doing so the AI took to trolling and got meta, but ultimately went way too far.

The essay lead to a conversation between the AI and a commenter on Twitter in which the AI playfully imagined him missing or dead, in a written response titled “The case of the deadly tweet” (see screenshots below).

Even if the AI didn’t generate the threat on its own, the appearance that it did represents unethical use.

OpenAI, the for-profit research lab founded by Elon Musk, claims to restrict access to GPT-3 for only responsiblebeta testers.

Does this Twitter trolling essay turned death threat represent the lab’s brinkmanship or incompetence? Its success or failure?

Is artificial irreverence a feature or a bug?

The ‘canary in the coal mine’ metaphor suggests that even a dumb bird can be an early warning sign of life-threatening danger to come — a signal to get out now that humans have missed.

Musk goes so far as to have publicly called AI an existential threat to humanity. It’s no joke if the threat materializes. He currently runs a company called Neuralink, which is testing a brain-computer interface implant — to allow humans to “merge with AI”.

The proverbial: if you can’t beat them, join them.

As it happens, what’s your plan?

This is the first in a collection of writings observing how cryptographic technologies like Bitcoin, though misunderstood, are the antidote to an impending technological dystopia.

Stephen Hawking always worried that the reason humans have yet to find intelligent life among all the stars is because intelligence is deadly and self-destructive.

He fretted that trust and social justice may have lost the evolutionary race against AI a million times before — a fatal flaw in the core code of all forms of life.

Now, psychopaths and other bad actors that have risen to power across the world control too much money, AI and power.

But on this planet, in this universe, an unidentified genius invented a solution to the woes of centralized ruin. From the pen name Satoshi, a decentralized system of digital trust was born.

**Crypto will be one small step for AI, and one giant leap for mankind. **Welcome to the jump.

#bitcoin #ai #politics #finance #twitter

AI Takes to Trolling Twitter: Plays Dumb, Plans Murder
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