StarkNet Snap Seamlessly Integrate with DApps

Starknet Snap ·

 npm version

The StarkNet snap allows developers to deploy StarkNet accounts, make transactions on StarkNet, and interact with StarkNet smart contracts. It can be connected with any dapp to access StarkNet and developers can experiment integrating their dapp with this snap today.

StarkNet dapp

Blog post



  • MetaMask Flask
    • ⚠️ You cannot have other versions of MetaMask installed
  • Nodejs 16. We strongly recommend you install via NVM to avoid incompatibility issues between different node projects.
    • Once installed, you should also install Yarn with npm i -g yarn to make working with this repository easiest.


nvm use
yarn setup



⚠️ When snap updates you will need to still reconnect from the dapp to see changes

# Running Snap via watch mode
yarn workspace @consensys/starknet-snap watch

Alternatively you can build and serve the snap manually. This can sometimes be more stable than watch mode but requires a manual rebuild and serve anytime there is a change on the snap.

# Building and serving snap manually
yarn workspace @consensys/starknet-snap build
yarn workspace @consensys/starknet-snap serve


# Running Wallet UI
yarn workspace wallet-ui start
# Running Storybook
yarn workspace wallet-ui storybook


This project is dual-licensed under Apache 2.0 and MIT terms:

Copyright (c) 2022 ConsenSys Software Inc.

Download details:

Author: ConsenSys


License: Apache-2.0 ,MIT

#typescript #javascript 

StarkNet Snap Seamlessly Integrate with DApps
1.00 GEEK