Data Visualization is a scientific study of the data in order to find out the anomalies, patterns, or trends in a particular dataset. It can be done using a variety of plots and graphs which we can use to visualize different properties of the attributes of the dataset. Visualization is one of the easiest ways of understanding the data as we can clearly visualize the data with our naked eyes and our brain processes the data to give us a clear picture of what the data is trying to say.

Visualization can be of many types like Bar Charts, Histograms, Scatter Plots, etc. which can be used on different types of data to gain useful insights about the data. Python has a large number of libraries/modules which can be used for data visualization and creating highly informative and attractive graphs and plots. Holoviews is one such library that makes the process of visualization easier such that we can create highly informative and insightful visualizations in a few lines of code.

Holoviews is an open-source python library that makes data visualization easier. Holoviews works on conveying the message that data is trying to tell rather than focusing on how to plot visualizations. Holoviews works on Numpy and Params, and for visualization, it supports ‘Bokeh’ and ‘Matplotlib’.

In this article, we will see how we can create different types of visualizations using Holoviews and how we can manipulate them according to our requirements.

#developers corner #data visualization #python

Hands-On Tutorial On Holoviews – Automated Visualization Based On Short Data Annotations
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