Function Expression vs Function Declaration in JavaScript.

It was until during one of the JavaScript mock interviews did I came across the term function expression.

The question was: What is the difference between these two syntax?

function x(){


let x = function(){


I was clueless for a moment. After thinking a little, I could only come up with: the second syntax invokes an _anonymous _function and is assigned to a variable.

I was alien to the term hoisting.

In this article, we will acquaint ourselves with three simple terms: function declaration,_ function expression, _and hoisting.

What is function declaration?

Function declaration is also known as _function statement. _It contains the name of the function, parameters, and a return statement. **Naming the function **is what sets function declaration apart. Parameters and return statement is optional.

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Function Declaration

What is function expression?

Function expression also has a name, parameters, and return statement. All of which are optional. The important thing to bear in mind is: the function here is _assigned _to a JavaScript variable.

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Function Expression

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Function Expression vs Function Declaration in JavaScript
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