This article discusses about one of the ways to generate REST and gRPC traffic for blue/green deployment using Flagger.

I have been looking into Flagger to progressively deploy gRPC and REST micro-services into kubernetes cluster using blue/green deployment strategy. Blue/Green deployment strategy ensures that the artifact being deployed is tested both in terms of conformance and load. The most cool thing of using a progressive deployment operator such as flagger is automated detection of new versions and rollback if the newer version fails test. This is one of the many steps to have zero downtime for services.

Flagger_ is a progressive delivery kubernetes operator that automates the promotion of canary deployments using IstioLinkerdApp MeshNGINXSkipperContour or Gloo routing for traffic shifting and Prometheus metrics for doing canary analysis._

#kubernetes #devops #zero-downtime #flagger #istio

REST and gRPC Load Generation in Flagger for Blue/Green deployments
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