Why are people flocking to video streaming apps amid the Coronavirus lockdown?

Several parts of the world are under lockdown, as a step to break the transmission chain of the global COVID-19 pandemic. People who stay indoors and practise social distancing are seeking the help of social networking apps and video streaming apps to spend their time during the lockdown.

While some connect with others through online dating apps and social media apps, some find solace by signing up with video-streaming apps like Netflix, Amazon Prime, etc., to watch their favourite series. This tells you why you should build your own on-demand video streaming app amid the Coronavirus chaos, for increased revenue and immense traction among your target market.

The popular apps are witnessing a spike in their subscriber rate and are coming up with offers and discounts to attract new subscribers to their platform. You can also market your app to reach a large segment of the audience in a short period of time.

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Why are people flocking to video streaming apps amid the Coronavirus lockdown?
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