Coding with C is highly centered upon using variables in every program. Those are the key aspects of C programming. Every variable in C has two properties; type and storage classes. Among them, the type refers to the data type of the variable, and storage classes in C determine the scope, lifetime, and visibility of the variable.

In this blog post, we will have a detailed look at the storage classes in C, its types, and how its characteristics influence the output of the program with some programming examples.

What Are Storage Classes In C?

Storage classes in C allocate the storage area of a variable that will be retained in the memory. They are stored in the RAM of a system. Apart from the storage space, they determine the scope of a variable. Variables in the C program are stored in a physical location in the random memory, which is mainly the device’s memory and CPU registers.

Storage classes in C also define the lifetime of the variable and term it as ‘local’ or ‘global’. Storage classes are also useful to define the scope or visibility, and the initial value of the variable. There are primarily four storage classes in C, viz. automaticregisterstatic, and external. We will discuss each one by one further.

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Storage Classes in C: Different Types of Storage Classes [With Examples]
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