S.O.L.I.D design principle comes from Object oriented programming guidelines. It is designed to develop software that can be easily maintained and extended; prevents code smells; easy to refractor; promotes agility and finally incorporates rapid + frequent changes quickly without bugs.

Generally, technical debt is the result of prioritising speedy delivery over perfect code. To keep it under control - use SOLID principles, during development.

Robert Martin, is credited with writing the SOLID principles and stated 4 major software issues if S.O.L.I.D is not followed diligently. They are :


Implementing even a small change is difficult since it’s likely to translate into a cascade of changes.


Any change tends to break the software in many places, even in areas not conceptually related to the change.


We’re unable to reuse modules from other projects or within the same project because those modules have lots of dependencies.


Difficult to implement new features the right way.

SOLID is a guideline and not a rule. It is important to understand the crux of it and incorporate it with a crisp judgement. There can be a case when only few principles out of all is required.

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S.O.L.I.D. Software Design Principles To Help You Become A Better Developer
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