PostCSS is the hot new tool that’s making the rounds on the front-end side of web development. It has been quickly and widely adopted, and possibly will have a significant impact on how we base our present-day CSS.

Lately, PostCSS is the tool making the rounds on the front-end side of web development.

PostCSS was developed by Andrey Sitnik, the creator of Autoprefixer. It is a Node.js package developed as a tool to transform all of your CSS using JavaScript, thereby achieving much faster build times than other processors.

Despite what its name seems to imply, it is not a post-processor (nor is it a pre-processor), but rather it is a transpiler to turn PostCSS-specific (or PostCSS plugin-specific, to be more precise) syntax into vanilla CSS.

With that being said, this does not mean that PostCSS and other CSS processors can’t work together. As a matter of fact, if you’re new to the whole world of CSS pre/post-processing, using PostCSS along with Sass can save you many headaches, which we’ll get into shortly.

PostCSS is not a replacement for other CSS processors; rather, look at it as another tool that may come in handy when needed, another addition to your toolset.

PostCSS overview illustration.

Use of PostCSS has recently begun to increase exponentially, with it being used today by some of the biggest tech industry businesses, like Twitter, JetBrains, and Wikipedia. Its widespread adoption and success is largely due to its modularity.

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