Capture-website: Capture Screenshots of Websites


Capture screenshots of websites

It uses Puppeteer (Chrome) under the hood.

See capture-website-cli for the command-line tool.


npm install capture-website

Note to Linux users: If you get a sandbox-related error, you need to enable system sandboxing.


import captureWebsite from 'capture-website';

await captureWebsite.file('', 'screenshot.png');


captureWebsite.file(input, outputFilePath, options?)

Capture a screenshot of the given input and save it to the given outputFilePath.

Intermediate directories are created for you if they do not exist.

Returns a Promise<void> that resolves when the screenshot is written.

captureWebsite.buffer(input, options?)

Capture a screenshot of the given input.

Returns a Promise<Buffer> with the screenshot as binary.

captureWebsite.base64(input, options?)

Capture a screenshot of the given input.

Returns a Promise<string> with the screenshot as Base64.


Type: string

The URL, file URL, data URL, local file path to the website, or HTML.

import captureWebsite from 'capture-website';

await captureWebsite.file('index.html', 'local-file.png');


Type: object


Type: string
Default: 'url'
Values: 'url' 'html'

Set it to html to treat input as HTML content.

import captureWebsite from 'capture-website';

await captureWebsite.file('<h1>Awesome!</h1>', 'screenshot.png', {
	inputType: 'html'


Type: number
Default: 1280

Page width.


Type: number
Default: 800

Page height.


Type: string
Values: 'png' 'jpeg' 'webp'
Default: 'png'

Image type.


Type: number
Values: 0...1
Default: 1

Image quality. Only for {type: 'jpeg'} and {type: 'webp'}.


Type: number
Default: 2

Scale the webpage n times.

The default is what you would get if you captured a normal screenshot on a computer with a retina (High DPI) screen.


Type: string
Values: Devices (Use the name property)

Make it look like the screenshot was taken on the specified device.

This overrides the width, height, scaleFactor, and userAgent options.

import captureWebsite from 'capture-website';

await captureWebsite.file('', 'screenshot.png', {
	emulateDevice: 'iPhone X'


Type: boolean
Default: false

Capture the full scrollable page, not just the viewport.


Type: boolean
Default: true

Include the default white background.

Disabling this lets you capture screenshots with transparency.


Type: number (seconds)
Default: 60

The number of seconds before giving up trying to load the page.

Specify 0 to disable the timeout.


Type: number (seconds)
Default: 0

The number of seconds to wait after the page finished loading before capturing the screenshot.

This can be useful if you know the page has animations that you like it to finish before capturing the screenshot.


Type: string

Wait for a DOM element matching the given CSS selector to appear in the page and to be visible before capturing the screenshot. It times out after options.timeout seconds.


Type: string

Capture the DOM element matching the given CSS selector. It will wait for the element to appear in the page and to be visible. It times out after options.timeout seconds. Any actions performed as part of options.beforeScreenshot occur before this.


Type: string[]

Hide DOM elements matching the given CSS selectors.

Can be useful for cleaning up the page.

This sets visibility: hidden on the matched elements.

import captureWebsite from 'capture-website';

await captureWebsite.file('', 'screenshot.png', {
	hideElements: [


Type: string[]

Remove DOM elements matching the given CSS selectors.

This sets display: none on the matched elements, so it could potentially break the website layout.


Type: string

Click the DOM element matching the given CSS selector.


Type: string | object

Scroll to the DOM element matching the given CSS selector.


Type: string

A CSS selector.


Type: string
Values: 'top' | 'right' | 'bottom' | 'left'

Offset origin.


Type: number

Offset in pixels.


Type: boolean
Default: false

Disable CSS animations and transitions.


Type: boolean
Default: true

Ad blocking.


Type: boolean
Default: true

Whether JavaScript on the website should be executed.

This does not affect the scripts and modules options.


Type: string[]

Inject JavaScript modules into the page.

Accepts an array of inline code, absolute URLs, and local file paths (must have a .js extension).

import captureWebsite from 'capture-website';

await captureWebsite.file('', 'screenshot.png', {
	modules: [
		` = 'red';


Type: string[]

Same as the modules option, but instead injects the code as <script> instead of <script type="module">. Prefer the modules option whenever possible.


Type: string[]

Inject CSS styles into the page.

Accepts an array of inline code, absolute URLs, and local file paths (must have a .css extension).

import captureWebsite from 'capture-website';

await captureWebsite.file('', 'screenshot.png', {
	styles: [
		body {
			background-color: red;


Type: object
Default: {}

Set custom HTTP headers.

import captureWebsite from 'capture-website';

await captureWebsite.file('', 'screenshot.png', {
	headers: {
		'x-powered-by': ''


Type: string

Set a custom user agent.


Type: Array<string | object>

Set cookies in browser string format or object format.

Tip: Go to the website you want a cookie for and copy-paste it from DevTools.

import captureWebsite from 'capture-website';

await captureWebsite.file('', 'screenshot.png', {
	cookies: [
		// This format is useful for when you copy it from the browser
		'id=unicorn; Expires=Wed, 21 Oct 2018 07:28:00 GMT;',

		// This format is useful for when you have to manually create a cookie
			name: 'id',
			value: 'unicorn',
			expires: Math.round(new Date('2018-10-21').getTime() / 1000)


Type: object

Credentials for HTTP authentication.


Type: string


Type: string


Type: Function

The specified function is called right before the screenshot is captured, as well as before any bounding rectangle is calculated as part of options.element. It receives the Puppeteer Page instance as the first argument and the browser instance as the second argument. This gives you a lot of power to do custom stuff. The function can be async.

Note: Make sure to not call page.close() or browser.close().

import captureWebsite from 'capture-website';
import checkSomething from './check-something.js';

await captureWebsite.file('', 'screenshot.png', {
	beforeScreenshot: async (page, browser) => {
		await checkSomething();
		await page.waitForSelector('.finished');


Type: boolean
Default: false

Show the browser window so you can see what it's doing, redirect page console output to the terminal, and slow down each Puppeteer operation.

Note: This overrides launchOptions with {headless: false, slowMo: 100}.


Type: boolean
Default: false

Emulate preference of dark color scheme (prefers-color-scheme).


Type: object | number
Default: 0

Inset the bounding box of the screenshot.

Accepts an object {top?: number; right?: number; bottom?: number; left?: number} or a number as a shorthand for all directions.

Positive values, for example inset: 10, will decrease the size of the screenshot. Negative values, for example inset: {left: -10}, will increase the size of the screenshot.

Note: This option is ignored if the fullPage option is set to true. Can be combined with the element option. Note: When the width or height of the screenshot is equal to 0 an error is thrown.

Example: Include 10 pixels around the element.

import captureWebsite from 'capture-website';

await captureWebsite.file('index.html', 'screenshot.png', {
	element: '.logo',
	inset: -10

Example: Ignore 15 pixels from the top of the viewport.

import captureWebsite from 'capture-website';

await captureWebsite.file('index.html', 'screenshot.png', {
	inset: {
		top: 15


Type: object
Default: {}

Options passed to puppeteer.launch().

Note: Some of the launch options are overridden by the debug option.


Type: boolean
Default: false

Overwrite the destination file if it exists instead of throwing an error.

This option applies only to captureWebsite.file().


Type: string | Function
Default: undefined

Inject a function to be executed prior to navigation.

This can be useful for altering the JavaScript environment. For example, you could define a global method on the window, overwrite navigator.languages to change the language presented by the browser, or mock Math.random to return a fixed value.


Type: object

Define the screenshot's position and size (clipping region).

The position can be specified through x and y coordinates which starts from the top-left.

This can be useful when you only need a part of the page.

You can also consider using element option when you have a CSS selector.

Note that clip is mutually exclusive with the element and fullPage options.

  • x - X-coordinate where the screenshot starts. Type: number
  • y - Y-coordinate where the screenshot starts. Type: number
  • width - The width of the screenshot. Type: number
  • height - The height of the screenshot. Type: number

For example, define the screenshot's width and height to 400 at position (0, 0):

import captureWebsite from 'capture-website';

await captureWebsite.file('', 'screenshot.png', {
	clip: {
		x: 0,
		y: 0,
		width: 400,
		height: 400


Type: string[]

Devices supported by the emulateDevice option.


Capturing multiple screenshots

import captureWebsite from 'capture-website';

const options = {
	width: 1920,
	height: 1000

const items = [
	['', 'sindresorhus'],
	['', 'github'],
	// …

await Promise.all([url, filename]) => {
	return captureWebsite.file(url, `${filename}.png`, options);

Check out filenamify-url if you need to create a filename from the URL.


I'm getting a sandbox-related error

If you get an error like No usable sandbox! or Running as root without --no-sandbox is not supported, you need to properly set up sandboxing on your Linux instance.

Alternatively, if you completely trust the content, you can disable sandboxing (strongly discouraged):

import captureWebsite from 'capture-website';

await captureWebsite.file('…', '…', {
	launchOptions: {
		args: [

How is this different from your Pageres project?

The biggest difference is that Pageres supports capturing multiple screenshots in a single call and it automatically generates the filenames and writes the files. Also, when projects are popular and mature, like Pageres, it becomes harder to make drastic changes. There are many things I would change in Pageres today, but I don't want to risk making lots of breaking changes for such a large userbase before I know whether it will work out or not. So this package is a rethink of how I would have made Pageres had I started it today. I plan to bring some things back to Pageres over time.


Download Details:

Author: Sindresorhus
Source Code: 
License: MIT license

#node #nodejs #website 

Capture-website: Capture Screenshots of Websites
1.70 GEEK