Deno Based JSON Format DB


A simple DB based on Deno.


This module is a work in progress.
We are working on a pilot implementation of a module like NeDB.

If the feature you need is not present in the “Upcoming features”, please let us know what you want in Issue.


  • Deno Modules
  • Save in JSON format
  • The storage formats are in-memory and file

Upcoming features

  • [x] Write data
  • [x] Delete the specified data
  • [x] Return data that matches the condition
  • [x] Save the data as a file
  • [x] Asynchronous support
  • [ ] Partial search with regular expressions


When creating a file, you must add --allow-read and --allow-write at execution to read and write the file.

Create DB

The first argument is the DB type. If it is “file”, it is a file; if it is “memory”, it is managed in-memory.
The second argument is the DB path. If it is “file”, it will be an error if it is not written.

import { SimpleDB } from ''

interface DB {
  _id: string,
  name?: string

const db = new SimpleDB<DB>({
  type: 'file',
  folder: './db/',

Add an Object to the DB

The first argument is the Object to add to the DB.
The second argument is the key used in the duplication prevention process.

import { v4 } from '';

const test = {
  _id: v4.generate(),
  name: 'Asomaka Toika'

await db.add(test, 'name')

Remove matching objects from DB

The first argument is the key, and the second argument is the value of the key.

await db.delete('name', 'Asomaka Toika')

Searching the DB

Returns an Object that matches the conditions, with the name of the key as the first argument and the value of the key as the second argument.
No arguments return all DB data.

const data = await db.find('name', 'Asomaka Toika')
const dataAll = await db.find()


Execute the following command.

$ git clone
$ cd path/to/deno-simple-db

# If there is no Denon
$ deno run --allow-write --allow-read test.ts
# If you have a Denon
$ denon test

On translation

I am using “DeepL Translation” to translate this README.

Download Details:

Author: windchime-yk

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#deno #nodejs #node #javascript #json

Deno Based JSON Format DB
2.85 GEEK