Turn your ASP.NET application into a serverless engine.

While there are many use cases to explore, in this blog we are going to explore how can you deploy a dot net core application from scratch into the IBM Cloud code engine. I would also suggest looking into  this article for understanding when to use an application or a job.

What You’ll Learn in This Tutorial

Upon completion of this tutorial, you will know how to:

  • Dockerize a simple ASP.NET Core app.
  • Create your Code Engine project with an application.
  • Deploy your ASP.NET Core app to Code Engine.

Before You Begin

You’ll need the following installed on your machine.

  • IBM Cloud account
  • IBM Cloud CLI
  • Git
  • .NET Core SDK ( I have used 5.0.23)

Create and Run Dotnet Application Locally

This step is to verify whether your app is running successfully locally before deployment. You can start by verifying the version of Dotnet as follows in your terminal:


dotnet --version

Create a sample web app using the below command. This will create a new application under the directory myWebApp and flag --no-https flag specifies not to enable HTTPS.


dotnet new webApp -o myWebApp --no-https

#tutorial #paas #serverless #container #ibm cloud #asp .net

Deploy ASP.NET Core App in IBM Cloud Code Engine
1.80 GEEK