Today’s IT departments are under increasing pressure to release new solutions and enhancements to existing capabilities. Many are expected to deliver updates and new applications in tight timeframes. In a recent survey, 90 percent of DevOps professionals report increasing pressure to accelerate application release, and 93 percent link challenges to manual processes.

IT leaders need to find a way to deal with those challenges to meet business needs. Rapid development and release of new applications and enhancements to existing applications are crucial to improving business functionality and user satisfaction, not to mention responding to market changes and maintaining a competitive advantage.

As organizations focus on accelerating release cycles, more and more are turning to DevOps practices, one of the most crucial of which is automation. Application release automation (ARA) provides IT teams with a consistent method of releasing new or updated applications in less time, with fewer manual tasks.

Critical Application Release Automation Components

  1. Orchestration and Packaging
  2. Dependencies
  3. Approvals
  4. CI/CD Support
  5. Application Release Automation Tools


5 Crucial Elements of Application Release Automation
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