Cli-table3: Pretty Unicode Tables for The Command Line


This utility allows you to render unicode-aided tables on the command line from your node.js scripts.

cli-table3 is based on (and api compatible with) the original cli-table, and cli-table2, which are both unmaintained. cli-table3 includes all the additional features from cli-table2.


Features not in the original cli-table

  • Ability to make cells span columns and/or rows.
  • Ability to set custom styles per cell (border characters/colors, padding, etc).
  • Vertical alignment (top, bottom, center).
  • Word wrapping options.
  • More robust truncation of cell text that contains ansi color characters.
  • Better handling of text color that spans multiple lines.
  • API compatible with the original cli-table.
  • Exhaustive test suite including the entire original cli-table test suite.
  • Lots of examples auto-generated from the tests (basic, advanced).


  • Customizable characters that constitute the table.
  • Color/background styling in the header through colors.js @colors/colors
  • Column width customization
  • Text truncation based on predefined widths
  • Text alignment (left, right, center)
  • Padding (left, right)
  • Easy-to-use API


npm install cli-table3

How to use

A portion of the unit test suite is used to generate examples:

This package is api compatible with the original cli-table. So all the original documentation still applies (copied below).

Horizontal Tables

var Table = require('cli-table3');

// instantiate
var table = new Table({
    head: ['TH 1 label', 'TH 2 label']
  , colWidths: [100, 200]

// table is an Array, so you can `push`, `unshift`, `splice` and friends
    ['First value', 'Second value']
  , ['First value', 'Second value']


Vertical Tables

var Table = require('cli-table3');
var table = new Table();

    { 'Some key': 'Some value' }
  , { 'Another key': 'Another value' }


Cross Tables

Cross tables are very similar to vertical tables, with two key differences:

  1. They require a head setting when instantiated that has an empty string as the first header
  2. The individual rows take the general form of { "Header": ["Row", "Values"] }
var Table = require('cli-table3');
var table = new Table({ head: ["", "Top Header 1", "Top Header 2"] });

    { 'Left Header 1': ['Value Row 1 Col 1', 'Value Row 1 Col 2'] }
  , { 'Left Header 2': ['Value Row 2 Col 1', 'Value Row 2 Col 2'] }


Custom styles

The chars property controls how the table is drawn:

var table = new Table({
  chars: { 'top': '═' , 'top-mid': '╤' , 'top-left': '╔' , 'top-right': '╗'
         , 'bottom': '═' , 'bottom-mid': '╧' , 'bottom-left': '╚' , 'bottom-right': '╝'
         , 'left': '║' , 'left-mid': '╟' , 'mid': '─' , 'mid-mid': '┼'
         , 'right': '║' , 'right-mid': '╢' , 'middle': '│' }

    ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']
  , ['frob', 'bar', 'quuz']

// Outputs:
//║ foo  │ bar │ baz  ║
//║ frob │ bar │ quuz ║

Empty decoration lines will be skipped, to avoid vertical separator rows just set the 'mid', 'left-mid', 'mid-mid', 'right-mid' to the empty string:

var table = new Table({ chars: {'mid': '', 'left-mid': '', 'mid-mid': '', 'right-mid': ''} });
    ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']
  , ['frobnicate', 'bar', 'quuz']

// Outputs: (note the lack of the horizontal line between rows)
//│ foo        │ bar │ baz  │
//│ frobnicate │ bar │ quuz │

By setting all chars to empty with the exception of 'middle' being set to a single space and by setting padding to zero, it's possible to get the most compact layout with no decorations:

var table = new Table({
  chars: { 'top': '' , 'top-mid': '' , 'top-left': '' , 'top-right': ''
         , 'bottom': '' , 'bottom-mid': '' , 'bottom-left': '' , 'bottom-right': ''
         , 'left': '' , 'left-mid': '' , 'mid': '' , 'mid-mid': ''
         , 'right': '' , 'right-mid': '' , 'middle': ' ' },
  style: { 'padding-left': 0, 'padding-right': 0 }

    ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']
  , ['frobnicate', 'bar', 'quuz']

// Outputs:
//foo        bar baz
//frobnicate bar quuz


Later versions of cli-table3 supporting debugging your table data.

Enable and use debugging:

var table = new Table({ debug: 1 });
table.push([{}, {},}); // etc.

table.messages.forEach((message) => console.log(message));

If you are rendering multiple tables with debugging on run Table.reset() after rendering each table.

Build Targets

Clone the repository and run yarn install to install all its submodules, then run one of the following commands:

Run the tests with coverage reports.

$ yarn test:coverage

Run the tests every time a file changes.

$ yarn test:watch

Update the documentation.

$ yarn docs


Download Details:

Author: Cli-table
Source Code: 
License: MIT license

#node #cli #commandline 

Cli-table3: Pretty Unicode Tables for The Command Line
3.55 GEEK