“Experience is the name everyone gives to their mistakes — Oscar Wilde”

I have spent most of my career working on web applications developed in Angular. I started by learning and doing simple static html websites. Earlier, I had the experience of developing dynamic web applications made in jQuery.

Learning Angular basics was overwhelming, but not hard. A couple of Udemy courses and tons of youtube videos made it easy and fun to learn. Working at a startup, I got my hands on multiple projects developed in Angular and I had fun creating them.

Recently, I wrote an article on mistakes I made as an Angular developer.

Mistakes I Made as an Angular Developer

Confessions: what I regret not doing as an angular developer and how you can avoid it!


I figured out from response that many developers feel the same way thus decided to tailor-make a list of concepts to master while learning Angular.

The realization point

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Photo by Ryan Plomp on Unsplash

You won’t realize you were writing your code the wrong way until you actually come across the right way, and if you’re only watching youtube tutorials, this would never happen.

After having a good grasp on Angular basics, I started finding Angular Open Source projects and I tried to inspect the architecture of each. I strangely found it confusing and complicated. I could see a lot of concepts that I never had an idea about. I could see design patterns that I never learned and way of coding I never experimented with!

This was the point I realized that I have to learn beyond youtube videos.

Don’t take me wrong. You can absolutely write stunning, user friendly web applications in Angular just knowing the basics. But creating a enterprise-level product will require more than just that!

#learning #typescript #javascript #programming #angular

Why I Am Relearning Angular
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