According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, transportation alone contributes 29 percent of US greenhouse gas emissions and according to the World Health Organization, approximately 1.35 million people die each year as a result of road traffic crashes, but self-driving cars are coming to fix this, with multi-billion dollar tech and motor companies like Google, Uber, Ford, and General Motors betting on the future of transportation to be one with electric, autonomous and shared vehicles.

The self-driving future will liberate the 68% of the world’s population that live in cities in 2050 from owning cars, cars will not be owned by the average person but rather they will be an affordable service provided by large tech and motor manufacturing companies.

The self-driving future is one where autonomous vehicles will no longer be fiction, one where vehicles will be fully functional without any need for human intervention or manual navigation. Autonomous vehicles will be faster, easier, safer, and better for the planet, and without the cost of drivers and gasoline, prices fall dramatically making this new technology more available to the general public.

The driverless future of transportation is one where because of the automation of cars by computers, car crashes will be seen as rare rather than inevitable tragedies. With transportation becoming an affordable service with widespread availability, the driverless future will see the elderly and disabled having access to cheap and convenient transportation.

Self-driving cars are the future, but many argue that the driverless future is most times oversold for what it is, as so much optimism hides the many obstacles on the road to the self-driving future, many of which include;


Space is a valuable and important resource in urban areas, but with transportation being cheaper due to the elimination of drivers and gasoline, more people will opt into self-driving vehicles as a means of commuting, thus increasing the number of cars on the road.

One major suggestion to remedy the congestion due to the increase in the number of vehicles is to build more and bigger roads, but larger roads only work for a while, because as roads improve, more people drive, making it just as congested as it was before. The construction and enlargement of roads will also cause another huge problem, larger road further push city buildings apart from one another and increasing commute time.

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4 Overlooked Challenges to Our Shiny Self-Driving Future
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