The Association of Data Scientists (AdaSci), the premier global professional body of data science and ML practitioners, has announced a hands-on workshop on meta-learning on March 13, Saturday.

The unavailability of large datasets has turned out to be a huge problem in solving critical challenges with machine learning and artificial intelligence. As a matter of fact, deep learning’s progress often gets impeded due to the unavailability of adequate labelled data.

In many cases, it becomes challenging to collect a sufficiently large number of labelled data, which inspired many research efforts on exploring ways to train robust models for various learning tasks beyond labelled data. Further, to train complex deep learning algorithms and models need high computational power.

In this workshop, the attendees get to learn about meta-learning — a subfield of machine learning where deep learning models are trained with fewer data efficiently. Known as ‘learning how to learn,’ meta-learning is an exciting trend in machine learning.

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Workshop Alert! Hands-on Meta-Learning
1.10 GEEK