What is a Persistent Volume?
Persistent Volume is a storage volume provisioned by an administrator or dynamically provisioned by Kubernetes using a StorageClass. They are created with a specific filesystem, size, and identifying characteristics such as volume IDs and names. An interesting thing about a PV is they are not dependent on the life cycle of a pod so they are perfect for use cases in which you need to retain data regardless of the unpredictable life process of Kubernetes pods. What this means for example is, you can host a database as a pod in Kubernetes and store its data on PVs (which are outside of a pod) without data loss when the pod is restarted, rescheduled or deleted. There are a ton of different Persistent Volumes, you can read more here.

What is a Persistent Volume Claim?
Persist Volume Claim as the name sounds is basically a claim for Persistent Volume. In other words, a PVC is a request for storage resources that a deployment needs. This is achieved by binding the PVC to a Persistent Volume. The PVC then provides an abstraction layer to the underlying storage.

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Leveraging on Persistent Volumes for Storage in Kubernetes
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