Shipping more secure code begins with putting developers front and center_—and fixing security issues from the start. In this series, we’re exploring big (and small) ways to build security into every step of your workflow. For our second post, GitHub Supply Chain Security Product Manager Maya Kaczorowski goes behind the scenes of what powers the GitHub dependency graph. _

With the accelerated use of open source, your project likely depends on hundreds of dependencies—203 package dependencies per repository on average, to be exact. How can you actually tell what dependencies your application has? Copy-pasting examples from documentation or Stack Overflow is just the gateway to pulling in a dependency—no one wants to rewrite a function if it already exists (especially in Java). But just because you didn’t write the code doesn’t mean that dependencies don’t require work from you. After all, open source is free, like a puppy is free.

Let’s dive in to better understand what dependencies are, how to use the GitHub dependency graph to see their impact on your code, and what you should be doing to maintain them.

Understanding dependencies

A dependency is another binary that your software needs in order to run. This can include both binaries required when building the application (often called dev dependencies), as well as binaries that are actually used at runtime as part of your application. You also have dependencies on other parts of the stack—for example, your application runs on an operating system—but we’ll leave that out for simplicity.

#features #security

Secure at every step: How GitHub’s dependency graph is generated
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