Learn to write JavaScript code more concisely and efficiently with these shorthand techniques. Includes shorthands for declaring variables, assigning values, performing comparisons, writing conditional statements, and working with arrays, objects, and functions.

In this blog post, I have compiled some helpful JavaScript shorthand coding techniques. JavaScript shorthands are good coding techniques that can help programmers optimize and simplify their JavaScript codes.

1. If Presence

At a point in our code, we need to check if a variable is present or not. The if present shorthand helps you achieve that with a simple code.

// Longhand 

if(isGirl === true){ 

Note: The shorthand in the example above will evaluate as long as isGirl is a truthy value.

2. Ternary Operator

We can use the conditional (ternary) operator instead of the if ... else statement in just one line of code.

const age = 19; 
let status; 
if(age > 18){ 
  status = "An adult" 
  status = "Young" 
const status = age > 18 ? "An Adult" : "Young"

3. Arrow Function

The traditional JavaScript functions can be simplified with ES6 arrow functions.

function greet(name){ 
  console.log('Welcome ', name) 
const great = name => console.log(name)

4. Destructuring Assignment

Destructuring assignment will not only save a lot of time makes your code cleaner and simpler.

const vehicles = { 
   car: "🚗", 
   taxi: "🚕", 
   bus: "🚌", 
   minibus: "🚐" 

// Longhand 
let car = vehicles.car 
let taxi = vehicles.taxi 
let bus = vehicles.bus 
let minibus = vehicles.minibus 
// Shorthand 
const { car, taxi, bus, minibus } = vehicles

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JavaScript Shorthand Coding Techniques
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