Showcase a minimal API seed in Deno

Deno API seed

Showcase a minimal API seed in Deno. With help of Oak this seed is capable of extending by either adding middlewares or rest routes.


  1. Clone repo
git clone
  1. Run API
deno run --allow-net ./src/index.ts 
  1. Open http://localhost:9300/api/users

This is as of now the only endpoint and will return some mock json user data.


Launch the Dockerized development environment. This will autoreload on file changes.

docker-compose -f "" up --build 


Production can be launched in 2 ways:

  • With Deno runtime available on machine
deno run --allow-net ./src/index.ts 
  • Dockerized
docker-compose -f "docker-compose.prd.yml" up -d --build

Download Details:

Author: devrnt

Source Code:

#deno #node #nodejs #javascript

Showcase a minimal API seed in Deno
2.70 GEEK