JavaScript spread operator is one of the more popular features that were introduced in ES6. This tutorial will help you understand it. You will learn what spread operator is and how it works. You will also learn how to use it to copy and merge arrays and object literals, insert data and more.

Introduction to JavaScript spread operator

Spread operator is a feature that allows you to access content of an iterable object. Iterable object is an object, or data structure, that allows to access its content with for…of loop. The most popular example of an iterable is an array. Another example of an iterable can be objects literals or strings.

When you wanted to access all content in some iterable, before spread operator was a thing, you had to use some kind of a loop, such as the mentioned for...of loop, or method, such as forEach(). Another option were indexes. Spread Operator allows you to do this much faster and with much less code. About the syntax.

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What Javascript Spread Operator is, How It Works and How to Use It
1.15 GEEK