Let’s get our James Bond swag on shall we? 🕵️‍♀️

Defense departments worldwide are betting on AI to deliver the next generation advanced military technology, and the US is no different. In the US of A, this strategy is being orchestrated by the Joint Artificial Intelligence Center (JAIC), a department under the umbrella of the Department of Defense (DoD) led by Acting Director Nand Mulchandani. And he recently gave his first press conference. And good news…

NLP will play a bigger role in the future of JAIC strategy 🔥. They are working on their own virtual assistant called Fire Support Cognitive Assistant (think Siri with Patriot missiles), which is a software to sort through incoming communications such as calls for artillery or air support. 🧐

This may come as a surprise to many because when we think of national security and AI, it’s hard not to dream of T-1000 SkyNet robots marauding your local 7–Eleven convenience store, but in reality, at least by what they are telling us, NLP will be an important player in their AI investment!

Best Paper

Beyond Accuracy: Behavioral Testing of NLP Models with CheckList Marco Tulio Ribeiro, Tongshuang Wu, Carlos Guestrin and Sameer Singh https://aclweb.org/anthology/2020.acl-main.442/…


Several tech groups revealed their paper list prior to last week’s newsletter so if you are interested on catching up:

This Week:

Knowledge Graphs at ACL

Facebook’s HUGE ASR Model

Scaling BERT in Deployment on CPUs

Scispacy Update

To the Cloud, with 1 Line of Code

AI Survey, this Time From Hugging Face

Dataset of the Week: The Semantic Scholar Open Research Corpus

#nlp #artificial-intelligence #ai #data-science #machine-learning

NLP News Cypher | 07.12.20
1.15 GEEK