This article covers CSS-related techniques for optimizing Web Vitals. These optimizations are broken down by different aspects of a page: layout, images, fonts, animations, and loading. Along the way, we’ll explore improving an example page:

Inserting content into the DOM #

Inserting content into a page after the surrounding content has already loaded pushes everything else on the page down. This causes layout shifts.

Cookie notices, particularly those placed at the top of the page, are a common example of this problem. Other page elements that often cause this type of layout shift when they load include ads and embeds.

Identify #

The Lighthouse “Avoid large layout shifts” audit identifies page elements that have shifted. For this demo, the results look like this:

The cookie notice is not listed in these findings because the cookie notice itself isn’t shifting when it loads. Rather, it causes the items below it on the page (that is, div.hero and article) to shift. For more information on identifying and fixing layout shifts, see Debugging Layout Shifts.

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  CSS for Web Vitals
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