What is Unit Testing?

Unit testing is testing a unit in an isolated environment. A unit can be a class, component, service, directive module, etc. which can be logically separated from the software. Any unit in an app is not isolated, it’s quite normal that it will be depending on the other units in an application for resources like data or methods.

So if we do an integrated test of the application and it fails then it’s hard to identify where exactly the code is breaking. So the purpose of unit testing is to test each unit individually and see if it’s working fine.

Benefits of Unit Testing

Reveal design mistakes

You may encounter difficulty while writing tests which might reveal that the design is not correct and you may be violating some important coding principles. Or after running the test it shows unexpected behavior.

Add new features without breaking anything

If you add any new feature into existing code and after running test passes then you can be confident it won’t break the application.

Simplifies debugging process

As discussed earlier it makes it easy to exactly identify where the code is breaking.

Tests make developers more confident about their work

So, we will understand unit testing in angular by looking at some basic simple examples and then getting to know why and how we have done.

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Basic Introduction to Unit Testing in Angular
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