For this post we’re going to take a departure from the usual JavaScript problem-solving tutorials and discuss two common data structures, Queue and Stack.
What is a Data Structure?
A data structure in JavaScript is a technique used to organize, store, and access data efficiently. These collections of values possess many built in functions and operations that can be applied to the stored data. Some of the benefits of using data structures include simplifying the process and management of large datasets and increasing the efficiency of program algorithms.
What is a Queue?
A queue is a linear data structure that follows the First In First Out (or FIFO) algorithm. FIFO means that the first element entered into the queue will be the first element removed from the queue. To help solidify this concept, think of a queue as a line for a ride at an amusement park. The first person in line is the first person to board the ride. The people waiting in the middle of the line cannot board the ride until every person before them has already boarded.

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JavaScript Data Structures: Queues and Stacks
1.60 GEEK