
Promises in JavaScript are used to handle asynchronous operations by keeping track of whether a certain event has happened. If that certain event has taken place, it determines what happens next. Promises return a value which is either a resolved value or a reason why it’s rejected. They can handle multiple asynchronous operations easily and they provide better error handling than callbacks and events.

Callback: A callback is a function that is passed into another function as an argument to be executed later.

Events: Events provide a dynamic interface to a WebPage and are connected to elements in the Document Object Model(DOM), for example: onclick(), onmouseover() etc.

A Promise has four states

Pending: Before the event has happened, the promise is in the pending state.

Settled: Once the event has happened it is then in the settled state.

Fulfilled: Action related to the promise has succeeded.

Rejected: Action related to the promise has failed.

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JavaScript Promise: Methods Comparison
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