A simple random activity generator app using the new Vue.js 3

Vue.js 3 Random Activity ⚡

Random Activity App

A simple random activity generator app provided by the Bored API built with the new Vue.js 3 + TailwindCSS + Docker


You can open the demo here

Getting Started

Open your terminal then clone the repository

install the dependencies

# npm
$ npm install

# yarn
$ yarn

Run the app

# npm
$ npm run serve

# yarn
$ yarn serve

Using docker 🐳

Build the image

$ docker build -t vue3-random-activity .

Run the container

$ docker run -it -p 8080:8080 vue3-random-activity

The app should be running on http://localhost:8080

Download Details:

Author: HotPotatoC

Source Code: https://github.com/HotPotatoC/vue3-random-activity

#vuejs #vue #javascript

A simple random activity generator app using the new Vue.js 3
4.80 GEEK