Learn JavaScript - Full Course for Beginners

Learn JavaScript, the most popular programming language in the world, from scratch. This full course covers everything you need to know to get started with JavaScript, from the basics to more advanced concepts. You'll learn how to build web applications, interactive websites, and more.

Easy to to learn and powerful, Javascript is a must. Upon completion of this course you will a solid foundation enabling to start to building backend applications using NodeJS and frontend applications using React of Vue

Let’s go.


➡️ Getting Started

00:00:00 - Intro
00:44:00 - Quick word before we begin
00:09:00 - What we are going to learn in this section
00:57:00 - The Setup

➡️ Javascript Foundation

00:12:15 - Variables
00:18:43 - Objects
00:27:06 - Arrays
00:35:41 - Arithemetic Operators
00:39:47 - Functions
00:56:23 - Loops
1:05:40 - Break and Continue Keywods
1:10:15 - If Statements
1:16:04 - Switch Statement
1:31:43 - Logical and Comparison Operators
1:29:38 - Type Coercion
1:35:42 - Single vs Double Quotes
1:39:37 - Map | Filter | Reduce functions
1:48:17 - Callbacks
1:54:27 - Wrap up

➡️ Modules

1:55:16 - Name Exports and Imports
1:58:54 - Name Exports and Imports PART 2
2:00:58 - Default Exports and Imports

➡️ **Functions Objects and Arrays **

2:03:57 - Varibale Scope and Let Keyword
2:06:05 - Const Keyword
2:09:40 - Template Literals
2:12:21 - Spread Operators on Arrays
2:17:23 - Spread Operators on Objects
2:19:35 - Arrow Functions
2:24:06 - Lexical and the this keyword
2:29:04 - Enhanced Object Properties
2:33:30 - Array Descructuring
2:37:00 - Object Descructuring
2:41:13 - More on object destructuring
2:43:43 - Function Default Parameters

➡️ Classes

2:47:24 - Classes in a nutshell
2:49:17 - Creating classes
2:57:21 - Inheritance
3:07:40 - Static methods

➡️ Promises

3:09:38 - Promises Keynote
3:11:41 - Creating Promises
3:15:54 - Promise.all
3:22:55 - Promises and Fetch API

➡️ Generators

3:30:51 - Generators Keynote
3:33:36 - Your first Generator
3:38:30 - More on Generators
3:42:27 - Coroutines Keynote
3:44:34 - Generators Promises and Coroutines

➡️ Async Await

3:53:22 - Intro to Async Await
4:02:30 - From generators to Async Await
4:07:20 - Handling Errors

➡️ Wrap up

Wrap up - 4:09:20

Ooops almost forgot

#javascript #web-development #angular #node-js #reactjs

Learn JavaScript - Full Course for Beginners
261.65 GEEK