In this tutorial, we’ll be looking at how to record outbound voice calls via the Twilio Programmable Voice API as well as uploading the recordings to Dropbox using the Dropbox API. So basically, person #1 would call your Twilio number, ask to call a person #2 by entering their phone number, and then the call between person #1 and person #2 would be recorded and sent to Dropbox.

Technical requirements

To follow along, you’ll need the following:

  • A free Twilio Account. If you use this link to register, you will receive $10 credit when you upgrade to a paid account.
  • Python Development Environment
  • Ngrok. This will make the development version of our application accessible over the Internet.
  • A free Dropbox Account.

#code #tutorials and hacks #python

Recording and Saving Outbound Voice Calls with Python, Twilio and Dropbox
1.25 GEEK