I broke my Raspberry Pi Kubernetes cluster, so I spent time on coding the automated solution to rebuild it from scratch if necessary.

I was playing around with updates last night - just a little bit too much from what it seems, causing the disaster — all nodes suddenly stopped detecting network interfaces, and it was impossible to recover. Article published on Pi Day ( 14/03 ) with all-you-can-eat code attached.

My Home Raspberry Pi Kubernetes cluster ( credit to my wife for putting up with it )

As my pet cluster grew to six nodes in total (thanks to my wife, who knows that the best thing for my birthday is a pie, RaspberryPi), I’ve had a choice — start from the beginning following my own article on setting up the Kubernetes cluster on Raspberry Pi, or do it the DevOps and SRE way — fully automate potential rebuild and cluster management.

This article results from the direct enhancement of my previous one, Building Your Home Raspberry PI Kubernetes Cluster.

#rasberry-pi #kubernetes #programming #devops

I Broke My Kubernetes Cluster Running on Raspberry Pi
2.20 GEEK