Discover three free services, Qovery, Vercel, and Heroku, that let you deploy a Node.js API built with Express.js and MySQL.

Wouldn’t you like to move your application out of your local development environment and put it in a publicly accessible URL? Still, finding a good (and free) service to deploy your Node.js application is not that easy.

In this tutorial, we will see how to deploy a Node.js API built with Express.js and MySQL to three different services. We will use the API app for programming languages that I built for my previous post on Node.js and MySQL.

All the services listed in this post are absolutely free, and the best part that is you don’t need to reach for your credit card — it will not be required at all. Just a reminder, though: when we don’t pay anything, there will be some trade-offs to make.


As mentioned above, we will be using the Programming Languages API, which is connected with MySQL on Before continuing, however, make sure:

  1. You have a GitHub account and know the basics of Git/GitHub like forking a repository
  2. You are able to add third-party applications to your GitHub account for authentication and other purposes

Let’s get cracking! To proceed further, please fork this GitHub repository as we will use this as the example.

  • Qovery
  • Vercel
  • Heroku

#node #javascript #web-development #heroku

3 Services to Deploy Your Node.js App for Free
2.90 GEEK