A minimal vue admin Template


A minimal vue admin template with Element UI & axios & iconfont & permission control & lint

The current version is v4.0+ build on vue-cli. If you want to use the old version , you can switch branch to tag/3.11.0, it does not rely on vue-cli

Build Setup

# clone the project
git clone https://github.com/PanJiaChen/vue-admin-template.git

# enter the project directory
cd vue-admin-template

# install dependency
npm install

# develop
npm run dev

This will automatically open http://localhost:9528


# build for test environment
npm run build:stage

# build for production environment
npm run build:prod


# preview the release environment effect
npm run preview

# preview the release environment effect + static resource analysis
npm run preview -- --report

# code format check
npm run lint

# code format check and auto fix
npm run lint -- --fix

Refer to Documentation for more information




If you want router permission && generate menu by user roles , you can use this branch permission-control

For typescript version, you can use vue-typescript-admin-template (Credits: @Armour)

Related Project

Browsers support

Modern browsers and Internet Explorer 10+.

Download Details:

Author: kennylam91

Demo: https://panjiachen.github.io/vue-admin-template/#/login?redirect=%2Fdashboard

Source Code: https://github.com/kennylam91/book-manager-vuejs

#vue #vuejs #javascript

A minimal vue admin Template
3.15 GEEK