Simple, Modern and Lightweight Font Loader for Nuxt Projects

Nuxt Font Loader

Simple, modern and lightweight font loader for Nuxt projects


  • Supports all types of font loading 🔥 (local, Google, Typekit, custom, etc.)
  • Follows the best practice for modern, fast and efficient font loading
  • Eliminates render-blocking resources and improves site performance by loading the font css asynchronously
  • Includes settings for resource hints prefetch, preconnect and preload
  • Super-easy to use without complicated settings and additional code bloat
  • Minimal working configuration with just one line of code 🤯
  • Tested in dev and prod mode (supports SPA & SSR)
  • Automatically sets the best settings based on your url option
  • Supports loading multiple font sources at the same time
  • Fully customizable settings for advanced usage


  1. Add nuxt-font-loader dependency to your project
$ npm install --save-dev nuxt-font-loader
  1. Add nuxt-font-loader to the buildModules section of nuxt.config.js
// nuxt.config.js

export default {
  buildModules: ['nuxt-font-loader'],

  fontLoader: {
    /* module options */


Local font loading

Basic usage

// nuxt.config.js

  fontLoader: {
    url: '/fonts/font-face.css' // Path to your css file


/* Define @font-face rules */

@font-face {
  font-family: 'Inter';
  font-style: normal;
  font-weight: 300;
  font-display: swap;
  src: url('/fonts/I-300.woff2') format('woff2');
  /* Consider adding a 'unicode-range' CSS descriptor */

@font-face {
  font-family: 'Inter';
  font-style: normal;
  font-weight: 400;
  font-display: swap;
  src: url('/fonts/I-400.woff2') format('woff2');
  /* Consider adding a 'unicode-range' CSS descriptor */

Specify families

/* Specify the font-family as usual */

html {
  font-family: 'Inter', sans-serif;

Google font loading

Basic usage

// nuxt.config.js

  fontLoader: {
    // Paste a google link here
    url: ';400;500;700&display=swap',

    // Enable options
    prefetch: true,
    preconnect: true

Specify families

/* Specify the font family as usual */

html {
  font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif;

Custom font loading

Basic usage

// nuxt.config.js

  fontLoader: {
    // Paste a new custom link here (for example Typekit)
    url: 'https://new-custom-link/',

    // Enable options
    prefetch: true,
    preconnect: true

Specify families

/* Specify the font family as usual */

html {
  font-family: 'New Custom Family', sans-serif;

Multiple sources usage example

Automatically sets the best settings based on your url option

// nuxt.config.js

  fontLoader: {
    url: {
      local: '/fonts/font-face.css',
      google: ';400;500;700&display=swap',
      custom: 'https://new-custom-link/'

Use this method if you want to load multiple font sources at the same time

Specify families

/* Specify the font family as usual */

html {
  font-family: 'Inter', sans-serif; /* Local */

nav {
  font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif; /* Google */

h1 {
  font-family: 'New Custom Family', sans-serif; /* Custom */

Advanced usage example (optional)

Use these methods only if you want to customize the default settings

// nuxt.config.js

  fontLoader: {
    url: ';400;500;700&display=swap',

    prefetch: {
      hid: 'my-font-prefetch',

    preconnect: {
      hid: 'my-font-preconnect',
      crossorigin: 'anonymous',

    preload: {
      hid: 'my-font-preload',

    noscript: {
      hid: 'my-font-noscript',
// nuxt.config.js

  fontLoader: {
    url: {
      local: '/fonts/font-face.css'

    preload: {
      local: {
        hid: 'my-font-preload'

    noscript: {
      local: {
        hid: 'my-font-noscript'

Following these examples, it is possible to customize all settings as needed


Default options

// nuxt.config.js

  fontLoader: {
    url: {
      local: undefined,
      google: undefined,
      custom: undefined,
    prefetch: false,
    preconnect: false,
    preload: {},
    noscript: {},
    stylesheet: true,


  • Default: {}

Defines the path of the css file that includes all @font-face rules.

This option is required.


  • Default: false

Enable this if you request fonts from a third-party server, such as Google, Typekit, etc.

When used with multiple sources method, this is enabled by default

<link rel="dns-prefetch" href="" />

More info


  • Default: false

Enable this if you request fonts from a third-party server, such as Google, Typekit, etc.

When used with multiple sources method, this is enabled by default

<link rel="preconnect" href="" crossorigin />

More info


  • Default: {}

Preloads a css file to increase its priority.

<link rel="preload" as="style" href="/path/to/font-face.css" />

More info


  • Default: {}

Provides a fallback option in case the user disables javascript.

<noscript><link rel="stylesheet" href="/path/to/font-face.css" /></noscript>

More info


  • Default: true

Eliminates render-blocking effect and improves site performance by loading the font css asynchronously.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="/path/to/font-face.css" />


Download Details:

Author: ivodolenc

Source Code:

#vue #vuejs #javascript #nuxtjs

Simple, Modern and Lightweight Font Loader for Nuxt Projects
35.10 GEEK