This is the story of dOrg’s evolution from a few passionate engineers to a heterarchical network of builders developing industry-leading Web3 software.

The year is 2020. DAOs are starting to govern everything, from lending and trading protocols to investment funds, insurance pools and prediction markets. But a much simpler use-case has been quietly gaining traction: a development agency called dOrg.

(DisclaimerThe author is a member of dOrg)

Part 1: Single-Celled Origins

dOrg spawned in late 2018 as a 2-of-3 multisig with the mission of enabling decentralized organizations. After successfully shipping the Colony Task Importer and DAOstack Launcher, the team decided to incorporate in order to take on a higher volume of large-scale Web3 projects. Unfortunately, there was no way to grant smart contracts legal personhood at the time… so they invented one!

With the help of the legal minds behind Vermont’s Blockchain-Based LLC legislation, dOrg became the first legally recognized DAO in the US. How?

Step 1: Deploy a DAOStep 2: Register an LLC that references the DAO as its source of governanceStep 3: Boom! You have a DAO that limits liability and can enter legally binding agreements (or, in reverse, an LLC with fully on-chain ownership interests and governance)

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The Evolution of dOrg: The Builder DAO
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