In this article, take a look at accelerated automatic differentiation with Jax and see how it stacks up against Autograd, TensorFlow, and PyTorch.

Differentiable Programming With JAX

Automatic differentiation underlies the vast majority of success in modern deep learning. This makes a big difference in development time for researchers iterating over models and experiments. Before widely available tools for automatic differentiation, programmers had to “roll their own” gradients, which is not only time-consuming but introduces a substantial coding surface that increases the probability of accumulating disastrous bugs.

Libraries like the well-known TensorFlow and PyTorch keep track of gradients over neural network parameters during training, and they each contain high-level APIs for implementing the most commonly used neural network functionality for deep learning. While this is ideal for production and scaling models to deployment, it leaves something to be desired if you want to build something a little off the beaten path. Autograd is a versatile library for automatic differentiation of native Python and NumPy code, and it’s ideal for combining automatic differentiation with low-level implementations of mathematical concepts to build not only new models, but new types of models (including hybrid physics and neural-based learning models).

While it is a flexible library with an inviting learning curve (NumPy users can jump in at the deep end), Autograd is no longer under active development and it tends to be too slow for medium to large-scale experiments. Development for running Autograd on GPUs was never completed, and therefore training is limited by the execution time of native NumPy code. Consequently JAX is a better choice of automatic differentiation libraries for many serious projects, thanks to just-in-time compilation and support for hardware acceleration.

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How Does It Stack Up Against Autograd, TensorFlow, and PyTorch?
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