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Real-time pizza delivery lead-time frequency distribution (fictional data)

This article shows you how to build reactive charts inside an Angular 8 application using the  D3 JavaScript framework.

While there are a number of good articles and discussion threads covering this topic (some listed in the references), I have attempted to bring together all the key aspects necessary for creating production-ready code.

  • GitHub repo
  • Live demo

Why D3 on Top of Angular?

D3’s (Data-Driven-Documents) core capability is to manipulate DOM elements in response to dynamic application data. But, so it is for Angular, React, jQuery, and a host of other frameworks.

The motivation to use the D3 (or similar) framework with Angular is to provide the following data visualization capabilities:

  • Dynamically creating and removing graphical elements from the DOM.
  • Binding application data to graphical elements.
  • Transforming user data to chart and shape coordinates.
  • Animating graphical elements using transitions and interpolation.
  • Advanced mathematical functions.

Given these D3 capabilities and lack of equivalent features in Angular, we proceed with mixing the two with an abundance of caution.

#data-visualization #d3js #charts #angular #angular 8

Reactive Charts in Angular 8 using D3.js
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