Do not program problems, design Java Web Solutions

Has it happened to you that in your projects you find Java applications with JSP pages that have bad practices and no structure in the Java code , making everything very difficult to understand? Forget that!!! In this course we will teach you step by step and from scratch how to develop Web applications with Servlets and JSPs, applying design patterns such as MVC (Model-View-Controller) and best practices when developing Professional and Real-World Web Java applications.

But … Why learn Servlets and JSPs?

Over the years, the Java programming language is one of the most used worldwide.

Creating mission-critical, robust, flexible and reliable systems has been one of the great challenges in the development of custom software. Today Java continues to prove to be a platform on which to support us to create this type of systems.

In addition, Java has one of the largest communities worldwide and is TOTALLY FREE OF USE.

JSP’s technology and Servlets generate hundreds of national and international job offers .
Our Methodology

In Global Mentoring we are aware that the best way to convey our experience in the development of Java Systems is through eLearning courses with videos step by step and at your own pace.

This allows new students to increase their technical skills, with the aim of obtaining better opportunities in the Java labor market, which is constantly growing and provides excellent financial compensation.

Module I. Introduction to Web Technology

We will study an introduction to Web technology and differences between a site and a Web application. We will review the HTTP protocol and the role that Java plays in today’s dynamic Web applications.

Introduction to WWW. We will review an introduction to Web technology and the types of developments that exist.
We will review the requirements to create and deploy a Web application with Java
We will study the installation of the Glassfish server step by step to deploy our Web application
Creation of the HolaMundo Servlet exercise and we will explain in detail the creation of this Java Servlet class
Module II Basic Concepts of Servlets

We will review the basics of Servlets, requests and HTTP headers, as well as the status codes in the responses that we will handle in our HTTP requests.

We will study the Servlet Life Cycle
We will review how to process the parameters in an HTTP request and how to generate the response to the client with the help of the Servlets.
We will analyze the structure of a Web application and each of the components involved so that the Java Web server can run our application.
We will study headers involved in an HTTP request.
We will perform an exercise involving HTML forms to show the processing of parameters, header processing and status codes in an HTTP request.
Module III Session Management with Servlets

We will see the need for session management in a web application and how to use this concept through the Servlets API.

We will study the reason for the management of Sessions in a WEB application.
We will review the Handling of Cookies and URL Rewritting, which are two mechanisms with which we will handle the WEB sessions.
We will learn the use of the HttpSession object which will allow us to manage the WEB sessions in a simpler way.
We will create an example of a Shopping Cart to implement the concept of Sessions in our Java Web application.
Module IV Basic Concepts of JSPs

In this module we will learn the bases to create JSP pages and several of its elements, such as Scriptlets, Directives, among several other elements.

We will see the basic concepts JSPs with the objective of generating dynamic content from our WEB application.
We will create a HolaWorld exercise with JSPs and we will see the differences between a Servlet and a JSPs.
We will study the elements of a JSP such as Directives, Expressions, Scriptlets, Declarations and also an equivalent syntax in XML to create JSP pages.
We will review the Handling of Exceptions, where we will implement the page directive of the JSPs.
We will study the concept of Java Beans and see its usefulness within the JSPs.
Module V. Advanced Concepts Servlets and JSPs

We will review advanced topics of Servlets and JSPs, including the MVC design pattern and apply best practices with technologies such as Expression Language (EL) and the use of JSTL.

We will study the concept of Language Expression, which allows us to simplify the deployment of information to create our JSPs.
We will learn to use the JSTL library (Java Server Pages Standard Tag Library), which extends the basic functionality of the JSPs tags.
We will analyze and apply in detail the MVC design pattern, which will allow us to integrate Servlets, JSPs and JavaBeans into a single model in order to interact and thus create robust, flexible and easy-to-maintain WEB applications.
Module VI Web application with JDBC.

We will create a real-world Web application that connects to a database via JDBC. We will briefly review the stages involved in the construction of Web applications.

We will create a Java Web application with all the lessons learned, using the MVC design pattern, and deploying the project on a Glassfish server.
We will review the stages of the life cycle in the construction of Software, from the Analysis Stage and the most relevant documents to be delivered, to the Start-up stage of our Web Project
Final Laboratory in which it is requested to replicate a use case according to the lessons learned, including design patterns and best practices when building Professional Java Web applications.
Remember, your satisfaction is guaranteed or your money back.

Sign up NOW!

Who this course is for:

Anyone interested in developing web applications with Java
Have the basis for a certification such as Oracle Web Component Developer
Anyone interested in applying design patterns such as MVC, DAO, DTO, and best practices for creating websites with Java
Basic knowledge
Basic knowledge of Java
Basic knowledge of HTML, CSS and JavaScript desirable
Basic knowledge of sql
What will you learn
At the end they will create an application with a 3-layer architecture applying the design pattern MVC, DAO, DTO and best practices
Develop dynamic Web Applications using Servlets and JSPs. Will study:
What are Servlets, their life cycle and how we should implement their use in Java Web applications
We will study the types of scopes with the Servlets API such as: request, session and application and the best way to use them
We will study the role of JSPs in a Web application and the best way to use them in our Web applications
We will learn JSP technologies such as: Scriplets, Expressions, Declarations, Expression Language (EL), JSTL, JavaBeans and much more.
We will apply the MVC design pattern to integrate the technologies of the JSP’s and Servlets for the development of our Web applications
We will give you the documentation of a system, which will serve as the basis for your own real-world Web Java projects
To know more:

#java #servlets #jsps-domina

Servlets y JSPs: Domina las tecnologías Java Web y Java EE |Simpliv
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