This presentation was recorded at GOTOpia Europe 2020. #GOTOcon #GOTOpia

Eamonn Boyle - Eamonn has been in the software game longer than you have (with +90% confidence), and he has lots of stories to prove it
Garth Gilmour - Magnificent storyteller and Ireland’s most experienced software trainer


At Instil Software they standardize on Kotlin for server-side development. Within the training team, they offer a Kotlin Native Workshop, for which Garth and Eamonn wrote a Kotlin Native version of the classic game Breakout.

Being massive TypeScript fans, it would always be their language of choice when working on JavaScript platforms. They didn’t feel the drive to switch to other languages that transpile to JS such as Fable (F#), Scala.js, or even KotlinJS, as they always saw Kotlin on the JVM as the solution to a problem, the problem being Java.

In this talk the dynamic duo will go out of their comfort zone and recreate a Breakout clone for the browser using KotlinJS.

They will make use of React, Redux and use React Three Fiber for WebGL graphics. Moreover, they will explore what this transition to KotlinJS is like for a TypeScript fanboy and try to answer some questions along the way.

In this talk, you’ll learn:

  • How the tooling, libraries and language features compare
  • What things tripped up
  • Whether you should switch and use it on your next project


  • 00:00 Intro
  • 02:57 Experiment: Is KotlinJS worth it?
  • 07:16 Round 1: Community
  • 09:20 Round 2: Interop with JavaScript
  • 13:54 Round 3: JSX vs. DSL
  • 21:30 Round 4: Async await vs. coroutines
  • 23:03 Round 5: Elegant syntax
  • 25:52 Conclusion

#kotlin #typescript #javascript #mobile-apps

A TypeScript Fan's KotlinJS Adventures • Eamonn Boyle & Garth Gilmour
1.95 GEEK