Hey all!

I’ve recently been spending a lot of time figuring out the idiosyncratic world of Ansible AWX, the open-source leading edge of RedHat’s Tower product. AWX is a platform for running Ansible code, and it supports all sorts of great features:

  • Dynamic Inventories— It can talk to cloud providers directly and download, filter, and build targetable inventory groups of hosts that exist in those clouds.
  • Job templates and credential injection— Jobs can be created to use root-level credentials for certain tasks that lower-credentialed folks might need to do, allowing us to create a job center of common tasks.
  • Job scheduling— Once these jobs are defined, if they need to be a regular task AWX supports a cron-based scheduler that permits running jobs from the AWX runner server on a schedule.

#devops #programming #ansible #ansible-tower

Let’s Do DevOps: Ansible AWX/Tower Authentication Power User
1.35 GEEK