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A flexible dynamic table manipulation library for React that makes your data table filterable, sortable, and paginatable.

Install & Import:

$ npm i react-flexy-table –save
import ReactFlexyTable from “react-flexy-table”
import “react-flexy-table/dist/index.css”

Basic Usage:

const App = ()=>{
  return <ReactFlexyTable data={data} sortable filterable caseSensitive />
export default App;

Default component Props:

data: [],
pageSize: 5,
filterable: false,
sortable: false,
nonFilterCols: [],
nonSortCols: [],
pageSizeOptions: [5, 10, 15, 20],
previousText: "Previous",
nextText: "Next",
rowsText: "rows",
pageText: "Page",
ofText: "of",
totalDataText: "Total data count",
filteredDataText: "Filtered data count",
onPageChange: () => { },
onSortedChange: () => { },
onPageSizeChange: () => { },
caseSensitive: false,
additionalCols: [],
className: ""


Flexible Table Manipulation Library For React - flexy-table

Download Details:


Author: CoderSau

Live Demo: View The Demo

Download Link: Download The Source Code

Official Website: https://github.com/CoderSau/react-flexy-table

License: MIT

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