
Components of Docker

A. Docker Daemon:

Ø Docker runs on host O.S

Ø It is responsible for the running container to manage docker services.

Ø Docker daemons can communicate with other daemons.

B. Docker Client

Ø Docker users can interact with docker through a client.

Ø Docker Client uses commands and REST APIS to communicate with the docker daemon.

Ø When a Client runs any server command on the docker client terminal, the client terminals send these docker commands to the docker daemon.

Ø It is possible for Docker client to communicate with more than one daemon.

C. Docker Host

Ø It is used to provide an environment to execute and run applications. It contains the docker daemon, images, containers, networks, and Storage.

D. Docker Hub/Registry

Ø It manages and Stores the docker Images.

Ø There are two types of registry in the docker.

o Public Registry

o Private Registry

E. Docker Images

Ø Docker images are the read-only binary templates used to create a container.

Ø Single files with all dependencies and configurations required to run a program.

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Components of Docker & Basic Commands
1.15 GEEK