June is here, which means it’s almost summer for us in the northern hemisphere! With the pandemic still ongoing, it’s important to try to find time to recharge and take those vacation days, if at all possible. While you’re at work, you can do fun things like reading this newsletter! We’ve got a variety of content including feature highlights from Java 16 and Java 17 (the upcoming LTS release) as well as links about our latest banter on whether you should comment your code.

I, Dalia, annotated this newsletter with collaboration from the wonderful Trisha. In case you’re wondering, we, the Java Advocacy team, have decided to take a more collabortive approach to the beloved Java Annotated newsletter so you’ll be sometimes hearing from meTrisha or Helen.

Java News

Java 16 was released in March with lots of awesome features highlighted in the links below. We’re also highly anticipating Java 17, the next long-term-support (LTS) version, planned for September of this year.

#news #java #java-16 #java-annotated

Java Annotated Monthly – June 2021
1.05 GEEK