A modern software developer resume built with React and JSONResume

react-ultimate-resume by WeLoveDevs.com .react-ultimate-resume is an open-source customizable software developer resume to highlight your skills and experiences.

Discover a modern approach of the traditional CV that includes animations and latest front-end technologies. Impress recruiters or customers with your projects, hobbies and experiences as never before.

We used JSON Resume, a community driven open source initiative to create a JSON based standard for resumes. Discover the official schema here. We added a few extra-fields to JSON Resume standard to fit developers needs. Learn more about them here.

This app is built using the popular create-react-app. You will find a lot of resources to understand how to edit and publish your resume directly on https://create-react-app.dev/
Demo profile here


Docs can be found Here.

Feel free to improve it with a PR


The resume is designed with 10 Cards (we plan to add more !)

  • Basics: Your basics : Where are you ? When did you start coding …
  • Skills: Beautiful Graphs to show your skills
  • Dream job: Explain easily to recruiters what is your dream job
  • Experiences: Describe your professional experiences
  • Studies: How did you learn to code ?
  • Projects: Highlight your best projects
  • Hobbies: Show your hobbies with GIF !
  • Music: Add your favorite Spotify Playlist
  • Interested by: Tell more about technologies you would love to learn
  • Languages: What language do you master?

Each cards comes with an edit dialog to edit your JSON Resume directly inside the app

Customize your Profile

This resume is fully customizable with an included set of nice color palettes :

Customize your profile

Getting started

Fork this repository. git clone your fork


yarn install


yarn start

Replace the default JSON Resume with yours


Deploy on you own server

You can deploy your resume on your own server in few minutes. Follow our HOW TO documentation.

Use inside your project

You can install the resume directly inside your project.

npm i @welovedevs/react-ultimate-resume


import DeveloperProfile from '@welovedevs/react-ultimate-resume';


Parameter Type Description
mode “edit” “readOnly”
data JSONResume This is your stringified JSONResume
options Object See options for more informations here
onCustomizationChanged Callback Get the current customization if the customization is updated.
additionalNodes Object Additional nodes is used to add react components directly inside the resume. This is an advanced feature that will be documented later.


Parameter Type Description
locale “fr” “en”
side “front” “back”
apiKeys { giphy : string } Api keys for 3thd party librairies. For instance Giphy in edit mode.
endpoint { devicons : string, unsplashProxy: string } Endpoints for 3thd party services. Used to get the technology list and use unsplash.
customization Object Current resume customization.

JSON-Resume Extra Fields

Category Field name Type Description
basics visaSponsorship Boolean True if you need a visa sponsorship to work in your dream country.
basics personalDescription String A short description that will be displayed below your name in the resume header. Example: “Passionate React Developer”.
dreamJob locations Array<{ name : string, title: string }> Your dream job cities. Example: “San Francisco, US”.
work remote String Give here more information about the frequency if your dream job is a remote job. Example: “regularly”
education studiesLevel Number What is your highest level of formal education? (Bachelor = 3 years post graduate. Master = 5 years post graduate)
work contractTypes Array<“fixedTerm” “permanent”
work codingYears Number How long have you been coding (in years)? Example: 5
work codingReason String What motivates you to wake up every day to code?
work searchState “activelySearching” “openOpportunities”
work experienceYears Number How many years of professional experience do you have?
sound embedUrl String Your favorite Spotify playlist.
interestedBy String What languages do you want to learn? Example: Angular and Vue.js

Hosted for free on WeLoveDevs.com

Don’t want to host your profile ?
Create your JSONResume and get your free subdomain in less than 10 minutes by registering on welovedevs.com.

We added a few extra features that you will love :

  • Server side rendering for ultra fast loading
  • Secured using reCAPTCHA v3, HTTPS and Cloudflare


The resume is currently available in English and in French. Feel free to contribute with your language translation file !

Download Details:

Author: welovedevs

Live Demo: https://vincent-cotro.welovedevs.com/

GitHub: https://github.com/welovedevs/react-ultimate-resume

#reactjs #javascript

A modern software developer resume built with React and JSONResume
6.25 GEEK