InfoQ examined a number of smaller stories in the Java ecosystem from the week of February 15th, 2021.

The early-access builds of JDK17 were made available to the Java community complete with release notes and list of bug fixes. JDK 17, scheduled to be released in September 2021, will target JEP 356Enhanced Pseudo-Random Number Generators as a new feature. This will provide new interface types and implementations for pseudorandom number generators_._ InfoQ recently forecasted what developers could expect in the upcoming releases JDK 16 and JDK 17.

In a recent update on Project Panama, it was revealed that the early-access builds had inadvertently been released without the dump extractor (jextract) utility that extracts files from a core dump. This is used in conjunction with the dump viewer (jdmpview) utility for analyzing the output from jextract. The issue was ultimately resolved within two days.

Frozen Arrays (Preview), a new JEP draft created earlier this month, introduces a new variation within the built-in Java array types designed to be unmodifiable or shallowly immutable. Frozen arrays may be safely shared without the risk of unexpected modification. This provides a more efficient alternative to defensive copying such that the copy may be optimized at runtime.

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Java News Roundup - Week of Feb 15th, 2021
1.15 GEEK