Here we talk about how to integrate Amazon Web Services (AWS) Managed Elasticsearch (ES) Cluster with AWS Single Sign-On (SSO) service for user authentication.

Let’s talk a little about “What is Elasticsearch?”. Elasticsearch is a powerful search engine and a Log Analytics tool. Depending on your use case/requirement we can use Elasticsearch in either of the above-mentioned ways. For example, UK Government uses Elasticsearch’s search engine capability for searching through their archived documents.

You can read more about above-mentioned example using the following link below;

How AWS Managed ES helped various Customers ….

In this article, I won’t go be explaining ES as you might already know about it when you searched for this article and not to make this article a long lengthy one. But if you are not familiar, there are a lot of online resources that you can use to get to know about Elasticsearch.

#aws-elasticsearch #aws #aws sso #single sign-on

How to Integrate AWS SSO with AWS Managed Elasticsearch Kibana Instance
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