This edition of Parity & Friends addresses one of the hottest topics in crypto currently – NFTs. Particularly related to Polkadot and Kusama, our excellent line up of speakers from Web3 Foundation and Ternoa discuss the beauty and the tech, from crypto art to securing data transmission. Check out the descriptions below for more details.


6pm: NFT with Polkadot: Crypto Art and Beyond - Qinwen Wang, China Community Lead, Web3 Foundation
6.30pm: Ternoa - Next generation NFTs on Polkadot, securing data transmission - Eliott Teissonniere, Head of Blockchain, Ternoa

NFT with Polkadot: Crypto Art and beyond

Qinwen Wang, China Community Lead, Web3 Foundation

Following her experience working on the world’s first cryptoart exhibition with institutes such as Christie’s and UCCA Beijing, Qinwen will present the vast range of tools and opportunities available for NFT creators using Substrate in the Polkadot ecosystem.

Ternoa - Next generation NFTs on Polkadot, securing data transmission

Eliott Teissonniere, Head of Blockchain, Ternoa

Presenting the vision Ternoa holds for the future of NFTs, Eliott will introduce the process of data encryption and NFT minting Ternoa provides to ensure optimal security, including the Shamir scheme and the use of SGX Enclaves to manage the secret keys.


#polkadot #nft #blockchain #ternoa

NFT with Polkadot: Next generation NFTs on Polkadot
15.85 GEEK