In our last blog, DAML on Hyperledger Sawtooth, we deployed our DAML application on a single node Hyperledger Sawtooth ecosystem, a blockchain platform which is part of the Hyperledger project by the Linux Foundation. We also learned about Sextant for DAML which is a blockchain management platform and combines DAML with the enterprise-grade Hyperledger Sawtooth.

In this blog, we will continue moving forward in our DAML journey and deploy our application on another blockchain platform which is Hyperledger Fabric.

Let’s get started by getting to know Hyperledger Fabric.

Hyperledger Fabric

Hyperledger Fabric is one of the distributed ledger frameworks under the Hyperledger project. It is a framework for permissioned networks, where all participants have known identities.

Hyperledger is an open-source community focused on developing a suite of stable frameworks, tools, and libraries for enterprise-grade blockchain deployments.

Now if you are new to the blockchain world you may think what do we mean by enterprise-grade blockchain and how Hyperledger fabric can be considered an enterprise blockchain.

So just to make things easy, enterprise blockchain platforms are the platforms that can be used by businesses who want to use blockchain technology to grow their business. To make it more simple, the difference between enterprise blockchain and normal blockchain networks also known as public blockchains is that enterprise blockchains can be private and the participants in the network can be decided by the business owner contrary to this in public blockchain networks anyone can be a participant. To know more you can check out this blog on Blockchain for business.

So let’s continue with Hyperledger Fabric and see what are the features it provides us with :

  1. Permissioned Network: Hyperledger Fabric is a framework for permissioned networks, where all participants have known identities. Many use cases — in the financial sector and healthcare industry, in particular — are subject to data protection laws that require knowing who the members of the network are and who is accessing specific data.
  2. Performance, scalability, and levels of trust: Hyperledger Fabric stores various transactions happening in different aspects. It also focuses on reducing several layers of trust. Also, it has got a huge number of verification done on the transactions. It is very useful when you need to make speedy transactions without any hassle. It provides low latency and high throughput. It is very flexible and scalable at the enterprise level.
  3. Data on a need-to-know basis: The confidentiality of personal data is very important in a business blockchain network. Hyperledger Fabric allows for data to go to only the parties that need to know.
  4. Modular architecture supporting plug-in components: The modularity of Hyperledger Fabric architecture enables network designers to plug in their preferred implementations for components, which is an advantage. It allows the company to use its already existing identity management system, increasing reusability, and reducing cost.

If you are looking for a blockchain platform for your business use case Hyperledger Fabric is something you would want to consider.

So now that we understood why should we use Hyperledger Fabric, let’s move on and see how we can use DAML and Hyperledger Fabric together.

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DAML on Hyperledger Fabric
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