In this article, I am going to discuss the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner exam. Cloud Computing is one of the most fast-moving technologies in today’s world. With the rising demand for cloud computing platforms, more and more companies have already started using the cloud or are in the process of moving their infrastructure to the cloud. When the question of cloud vendors comes in, AWS is mostly preferred by major companies, also Azure is on the second list after AWS. With this demand, companies also continuously look for talented individuals who can help them lift and shift their infrastructure all already advise them with their existing cloud infrastructure.

AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner is a certification exam offered by Amazon which certifies that the professional is introduced to the basic concepts and services of AWS. This is an entry-level exam for those who want to start or demonstrate their existing knowledge in AWS. I have personally applied for this exam which I passed successfully with a score of 892 out of 1000 and in this article, I will talk more about the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner exam and the preparation modules that I went through in order to pass the exam.

Passed the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Exam

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Preparing for the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner (CCP) exam
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