Includes Metal support for faster iOS performance, new Material components, new Network tracking tooling and more!
Today we’re pleased to announce Flutter 1.17, our first stable release of 2020.
This year has been a challenging one for everyone. Our goal is to ship stable releases on a roughly quarterly cadence; however, this release took a little longer because we’ve been retooling our infrastructure for a new release process. We continue to make quality our #1 priority and believe that the new release model will improve our ability to service the stable branch with quality hotfixes. This release is full of fixes, with an unprecedented 6,339 issues closed since our 1.12 stable release. A great deal of this increase is due to our partnership with Nevercode, which has given us increased responsiveness when it comes to responding to customer issues. So far this year, we’ve closed more bugs this year than have been opened, resulting in a net decrease of ~800 issues. Many of these bugs were fixed by the 3,164 PRs we merged from 231 contributors. These are huge numbers and our heartfelt thanks goes out to everyone for their hard work and continued contributions during this challenging time.
If you’re interested in the full list of PRs we’ve merged in this release, you can see that on the site. In addition to the quality improvements, we’ve managed to sneak some new features into this release as well, including Metal support on iOS, new Material components, new Network tracking tooling and more! This release also includes Dart 2.8, about which you can read more on the Dart blog.
#flutter #dart